3346 peachtree road, ne

 In Development

Project Scope: The applicant is seeking an SAP to install a solar array along the western side of the privately-owned Tower Place Drive behind the CRIF building that fronts Peachtree Road. The array will be mounted on posts approximately 9-12 feet above the parking stalls on the eastern side of that parcel and stretch 105 feet from north to south.

Click on the image below to download all documents.


Applicant: Michael McGrath and Kevin Starn

Variation Requested: None

Additional Recommendations:  None. The DRC commended the applicant for being the first such solar-over-parking project in Buckhead and hoped other properties would follow their lead.

The Development Committee does NOT expect to see this applicant again provided no significant changes need to be made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations, and the City staff and/or Neighborhood Association requests additional input from the DRC

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