3252 Peachtree Road

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Description: Applicant proposes to demolish the existing structure, remove surface parking, remove existing billboard and pylon signs and replace with interim access driveway connecting from existing curb cut on Peachtree Road to existing surface parking for adjacent (affiliated) Rooms to Go development.  The applicant cites problems with vagrants and building condition as primary motivations for the demolition.  No redevelopment plan is currently anticipated, however this modification is deemed an interim plan.

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Applicant:  Jessica Hill, Nick Roth, Peter Weitzner, Wade


Variation Requested: None

Recommendations Regarding Variations:

Section 16-18I.015.1: Driveways, Curb Cuts and parking structures:  “All sidewalk paving materials shall be continued across any intervening driveway…”

Recommendation:  The committee recognizes that the scope of work of the proposed SAP may not trigger streetscape requirements in the code; however, recommends the applicant bring the Peachtree entrance up to the streetscape standards in this section given the fact that this is the signature boulevard of the community and significant community investment has been made along the frontage by the Community Improvement District.  The committee recommends the applicant coordinate with the Community Improvement District – Matt Gore (mgore@buckheadcid.com) – for assistance facilitating this work with the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Additional Recommendations: The committee commends the applicant for the removal of the billboards on the subject property. The committee commends the applicant for proactively taking action to secure its property and mitigating its use by homeless and/or vagrants. Security is a significant concern in the community; therefore, the committee recommends the applicant coordinate with the affiliated corporate entity from Rooms To Go to ensure security cameras provide full surveillance of the proposed new roadway and works to connect those cameras to the City of Atlanta Video Integration Center once the opportunity becomes available

The committee recognizes that the new connection resulting from the proposed redevelopment will effectively serve as a relief valve for vehicular traffic traveling southbound on Piedmont Road queued at the signal intending to turn right (southbound) onto Peachtree Road.  Because of this concern, the committee recommends the applicant incorporate at least one traffic calming device to discourage this movement.

The committee recognizes that the new connection provided will likely serve as a pedestrian shortcut and recommends the applicant take into consideration, and design for, pedestrian safety both along the proposed connection and also into the Rooms to Go parking lot.  This should include designating walk areas with striping and other such measures that enhance pedestrian safety.

The impact of impervious surfaces on stormwater management continues to be a significant and growing problem in Buckhead.  In an effort to ameliorate the issue, the committee recommends the applicant incorporate pervious concrete and bio detention/swales into the project.

The committee recognizes that the proposed demolition exposes what was previously a hidden building face, the side of Rooms to Go, to the public realm.  In an effort to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment, the committee recommends the applicant coordinate with the affiliated corporate entity to incorporate a mural on the building and create a landscaping plan that complements the artwork while at the same time deterring urban camping.

The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again prior to the issuance of the SAP by City staff.

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