Description: Parking Reductions. The applicant is requesting a reduction of the required minimum number of parking spaces by 92 spaces taking the total required spaces from 530 down to 438. [...]
Significant changes made to building design resulting from cost evaluation. Similar size to prior submittal, however building and parking deck reconfigured to side by side orientation rather [...]
Second Visit New construction 298 residential units, 7 stories over 5 stories of structured parking including both linear units along North Fulton Drive and leasing and retail space along Pharr Road.
According to the Applicant it took some time to get the required parking agreement in place. The interior patio is permitted and the lower patio is not. The goal is to get a building permit for [...]
Description: 147,118 sf development including 132,876 of office development with 14,242sf ground floor retail, drive under bank opportunity. Brick and stone, soft quality glass with low [...]
Click image to download all documents: Applicant: Clay Massey SAP#: Project Scope: Description: Addition of trellis over existing outdoor dining for Atlanta Restaurant. Recommendations [...]
Project Scope: New construction Click image to download all documents: Applicant: Jessica Hill SAP#: Description: The Hanover Company proposes to redevelop the existing surface parking lot [...]
Project Scope: new construction 297 housing units, 9574 sf retail, 613,760 sf office, 51 condominium units. The development is a coordinated development with Capital City Plaza and triggers the [...]