Atlanta International School: Removing Transportation as a Barrier

 In Employer, Mobility

Livable Buckhead has chosen Atlanta International School (AIS) as our first quarter Mobility Spotlight! AIS is a world-renowned private institution located in the heart of Buckhead and is committed to being the highest achieving environmental stewards in the community.

In 2019, Livable Buckhead worked with Atlanta International School to develop a mobility plan aimed at improving employee recruitment and retention and providing their employees with commute benefits that would enhance their overall satisfaction and happiness. Using employee surveying and GIS analysis, Livable Buckhead was able to make personalized recommendations, such as the implementation of a parking cash out program, carpool matching, and our discounted transit pass program.

Atlanta International School has approximately 250 employees with 28% percent of their employees taking a clean commute. This percentage is in part due to a very strong commuter benefits program that now includes discounted MARTA monthly passes for employees. Promoting public transportation as a clean commute allows AIS to reach both students and employees who consider transportation as a barrier.

AIS Bike Racks

Last summer, Atlanta International School installed bike racks outside each of their buildings on campus and has seen tremendous success. Leadership found that supporting biking as a transportation option alleviates parents from driving and sitting in the carpool line. It also gives students a safe sense of freedom and responsibility.

Additionally, AIS is a staunch supporter of the Buc shuttle and encourages employees and families to use the service to connect to MARTA or as an alternative for carpooling. The school has three families and ten employees that utilize the shuttle service as their main source of transportation.

Lastly, leadership has also started to explore the implementation of a vanpool program for employees. Vanpools are a great alternative solution to help employees save on fuel, reduce wear and tear on their vehicles, and further reduce congestion in the community. AIS identified vanpool options as a need for employees and have begun working with Commute with Enterprise to develop a program. They are hopeful to have it implemented before the start of the new school year.

AIS strives to develop courageous leaders who shape the world for the better. The more sustainable they can be as a school, the more students will consider sustainability in their future endeavors. The school actively promotes composting and recycling as well as utilizes green cleaning products throughout their campus.

Atlanta International School continues to achieve success in their commitment to sustainability and the promotion of alternative transportation solutions, and we are happy to highlight them as our Q1 spotlight!

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