APD Zone 2 Fangirl Report – The Final Class

 In Executive Director, Safety, Security

Our final class was at APD’s training Center. I was really pumped prior to the class because I knew it included the shoot/don’t shoot simulators… the cherry on top of the class cake!

The class began with the obstacle course. This thing looks like a total joke when you pull up to it… I’ve seen better playground equipment at a broken down Motel 8! (If a fitness equipment provider our there is looking for great way to donate to APD – this is your opportunity!)

One of the instructors – who looked about 23 – “demonstrated” the course for us. He made it look so easy – he was like a graceful gazelle easily trotting over this and under that – leaping the wall like it wasn’t even there. So, of course, a few of us just had to try it.  Let’s just saying that I won’t be sharing THAT video with you! UGH… I didn’t realize that I was quite THAT out of shape.  Needless to say – I would have some work to do to meet their maximum time to pass this bad boy.  (10,000 steps every day from now on –  I swear!)

Next, we were divided into groups and did some role play shoot/don’t shoot scenarios with the instructors. The goal here was to get us to understand that perspective matters in what you think actually happened. Officer “Gazelle” certainly missed his calling – he should be on Broadway! He played the most convincing wacked out maniacal shooter ever! A few of our classmates didn’t actually “survive” these exercises and most of us proved to be really poor witnesses too. I didn’t even see the attacker drop the weapon as he lunged toward the officer. Ummm – that’s a big miss. (Going to get eye exam)

Next, we got to the simulators. YEEEHAAWWWW! I was so excited at this point!! The simulators aren’t full on virtual reality yet, but they were pretty good. You are “immersed” in the scene with five screens around you and an instructor who can control what happens on the video based on your reactions. I waited for few people to go before I did to get a feel for it (yes – total chicken).

My turn was an active shooter in the school. YIKES – why did I have to get that one????? As the mother of a 17 year old son, this is one of my biggest fears! WHY ME?

Kids were beating on the glass doors to get out – we had to break the glass to get them out and get into the school. There were kids on the floor injured and it was straight out of Nightmare on Elm Street (scariest movie of all time for me) roaming the deserted school halls! I finally found the guy because of his red shoes and did not hesitate in shooting him. I think I shot him three or four times (as many as my gun would go) because who knows if I actually hit him! Luckily I survived and took out the shooter to save the rest of the kids… WHEW!! The take away for me is that I totally understand “overkill” and I was lucky that I didn’t have to decided in the moment if it was a good guy or bad guy. (Feeling like a badass again – clearly in my own mind only)

The most interesting part of the night was debating with the instructors about when to use force. There were some heated discussions to say the least. One notable one was the beefcake guy in my class who chose to use his size to try to control an assailant who was choking out his daughter. The instructors told him he was wrong – that he should have shot the guy. Several of us students didn’t all feel good about that. This led to my question – which I have asked for the third time now – are female officers more likely to use force (aka. Shoot) than male officers? My thinking here is that I am a lot smaller and am going to feel that my life is at risk a lot quicker that a guy twice my size. But apparently no research has been done on this. I see a criminal justice thesis topic for someone here.  

The awesome thing we did learn is that APD currently has four classes going through the academy – so that means a bunch of new officers on the street. As you read in the first few installments – this is one of the top 2 biggest issues for crime. So good news on the horizon!

As usual, this class did not disappoint – the instructors were great and we learned a lot. I think all of us students are a little sad to see the course come to an end. What we signed up to do to out of civic duty actually became fun on top of eye opening. But they did have one surprise left for us. We actually get to graduate with the December class of cadets which is totally cool!

I would be remiss without recognizing Elizabeth Espy who is the chief chick in charge of this class. She does an amazing job, clearly has the respect of every single officer who worked with us and was a treat to interface with. Kudos to you, Ms. Espy, on a job well done!

Anyone of you readers who have enjoyed this blog should take the class yourselves – they would love to have you. Contact Elizabeth Espy enespy@AtlantaGa.Gov and fill out this form to grab a seat in the next class!

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