APD Zone 2 Fangirl Report – Good News In Zone 2

 In Executive Director, Safety, Security

Denise Starling, Livable Buckhead’s Executive Director, gives her take on the recent good news from Zone 2. 

I know there are a lot of haters out there these days and it seems like all the news we see is bad when it comes to crime (or anything else for that matter). But  ZONE 2 FANGIRL is here to shine a light on some of the good things going on because we love and appreciate the men and women keeping us safe every day. And, who doesn’t love a man in uniform?!

Here are some fun facts you need to know:

  • There’s a new commander in town and he’s pretty awesome – learn more about him.
  • YTD the City of Atlanta is up 6% in overall crime, every single zone is up in crime EXCEPT one zone that is down 10% – hmmm, who could it be? You guessed it – Zone 2!
  • YTD traffic stops in Zone 2 are up by 20% – this is a proactive policing technique that kinda sucks for us law abiding citizens, but deal with it – it’s a key way police catch naughty people.
  • TYD arrests in Zone 2 are up 25% – buh bye to that sense of lawlessness that we had come to expect – they are on it!
  • Last week there was a MAJOR drug bust in Buckhead by Zone 2.  Check out the haul that was recovered (link to picture)  Hmmm…what a great fundraising idea!

Now this one annoys the crap out of me – 241 guns were stolen from cars so far this year in Buckhead alone. Come on y’all – if you have a gun at least be a responsible gun owner and buy a $50 gun safe to lock your gun in when you leave it in the car.  Here’s a good one recommended by APD.

The new precinct on West Paces is up and running with 8 traffic officers and 4 bike officers working out of it.  If you don’t see people in it – guess where they are… OUT ON THE STREETS where they should be – DUH!

There are currently 120 officers in the academy so recruitment is going pretty well! Now if we could just increase their pay to stay competitive with the communities around us. An upcoming pay study should help with that.

Zone 2 has had awesome support from the community – Truist and Livable Buckhead painted the whole inside of the Maple Drive headquarters and the Buckhead CID secured donated furniture.

There is a new citizens police academy class getting started. Yours truly is enrolled and will be reporting what I learn along the way so stay tuned!

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