3162 piedmont road sixth submittal

 In Development

Discussion: At the last SPI-9 DRC meeting, the applicant submitted a newly prepared site survey and proposed parking and landscaping plan they are interested in implementing for the property. The DRC responded with a list of modifications/clarifications needed to be made by the applicant. Ahead of this meeting the applicant added updated drawings of the structure itself and proposed exterior deck configuration. The applicant then discussed how they would be seeking a revision to their existing SAP with the city to include the proposed exterior improvements to both the deck and the parking lot. DeWayne Martin, for the applicant then addressed the list of comments made by the DRC at the last meeting. As part of that, he clarified the square footage of the structure, the parking requirements, the dumpster location, the sidewalk location and configuration, traffic flow within the parking lot and how drivers enter and exit onto Piedmont Road.

Click on the image below to download all documents.


Applicant: DeWayne Martin

Also present for the applicant: Paul Lawrence, Eugene Stepanov

SAP#:  SAP-19-158

Variation Requested: None

Recommendations Regarding Variations:

Based on a review of the most recent plans and discussions with the applicant and the city, no variations are needed for this project.

 Additional Recommendations:

  • The DRC requested the applicant provide additional vegetative screening along Piedmont to shield the parking area.
  • They also requested the applicant add a sign to drivers reminding them that they could only turn right when leaving Knife.
  • In respect to the outdoor dining space, the committee recommended limits to the sound system and following the new proposed changes to the Noise Ordinance, once adopted by the city council.
  • Finally, the committee recommended that the applicant revise their application to remove older layouts and drawings from their formal application to eliminate confusion or error on what the city will eventually approve.

The Development Committee does NOT expect to see this applicant again provided no significant changes need to be made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations, and the City staff and/or Neighborhood Association requests additional input from the DRC.






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