2022 Livable Buckhead Sponsorships Now Available

 In Community

The benefits of Livable Buckhead sponsorships are many, both in the short-term and over a long haul. Through sponsorships, businesses of all sizes can maximize exposure and grow their reputation in the Buckhead community. Sponsorships are a way drive new businesses, enter the media spotlight, and inspire trust and loyalty.

Increase Brand Visibility – Sponsorship enables your name and brand visuals to appear alongside other reputable brands and in front of large audiences. This strategy can work miracles for small and local startups struggling to gain traction. Your sponsorship will also garner social media attention through Livable Buckhead’s own social channels and sponsorship provides plenty of material for ramping up content marketing strategies for your own social media as well.

Build A Positive Image – Sponsorship’s are a way to build credibility and authority around your business. Essentially, you attach your business to worthy causes and high-profile events in order to nurture positive associations. One survey found that 74% of customers are more likely to buy a product of a brand they were exposed to via event marketing.

Social Responsibility – Event sponsorship is about more than just making a buck. Sponsorships can align your brand to a mission your customers are passionate about. Sponsorship is a key way to let the world to know that you care about the community.

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