Be a Steward of Your Watershed

 In Water

I’d like to spotlight that liquid gold that you and I rely on each and every day… water. Though we know it’s important, we often take access to clean water for granted. But let’s give it the attention it deserves!

We use water for everything from drinking to outdoor recreation, sometimes without giving it a second thought. There are great groups out there whose missions are to address and help the quality of our water bodies – think Watershed Management, the Riverkeepers, Adopt-A-Stream, and many others – but we all play a part too and there’s plenty we can do to support the health of our waterways.

The benefits of a healthy watershed are numerous. Clean drinking water is key. It also means a healthier environment for species and communities to live and grow in. It offers increased resilience to the threat of climate change, as an undamaged watershed is better suited to deal with more extreme weather patterns. And we can’t forget the benefit of higher property values when homes are located near healthy waters.

So how can we be stewards of our watershed? We can help by conserving water, participating in community clean-ups, supporting environmental legislation, and disposing of chemicals properly (never down the drain or toilet). And for our hands-on folks out there, another great place to start is by volunteering to monitor a local waterway. You don’t need a background in science, it doesn’t take long to do, and it’s an easy way to get involved in protecting your local waterways.

Learn more about Livable Buckhead’s water quality monitoring program in partnership with Georgia Adopt-A-Stream and how you can help.

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