2020 Triple Bottom Line Award Winner: Crocker Partners Property Management

 In Sustainability

We are excited to announce that Crocker Partners Property Management, for its work at Prominence Tower, will be awarded the 2020 Triple Bottom Line Award. The Triple Bottom Line Award recognizes a Buckhead company or organization that has demonstrated success in the development and implementation of programs, projects, or policies that drive sustainability forward in the community.

The sustainability initiatives at Prominence Tower include a focus on recycling and materials management, as well as health and wellness for building occupants.

Prominence Tower recently earned Fitwel star rating, a rigorous, third-party healthy building certification system operated by the Center for Active Design (CfAD) that sets the industry standard for evidence-based strategies to promote positive health outcomes for building occupants and communities – and is the only building in the state of Georgia to achieve this version of the certification. In addition to this certification, the building achieved both LEED Gold and Wired Certified Platinum designations in 2020.

**Guest blog contributor: Amy Timms, Senior Property Manager, Prominence Tower**

Over 30,000 people spend their workdays inside a Crocker Partners office building. And every day, it is our opportunity and responsibility to invest in making our buildings secure, welcoming, and supportive of people’s wellness and productivity. For over 35 years, Crocker Partners has made our tenant’s experience our number one priority. Although the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for us to broaden our efforts, the fundamentals remained the same: communication, reliability, and security.

In collaboration with the Remobilization Task Force, Crocker Partners hired an infectious disease expert full-time as our Director of Environmental Health to guide the organization on implementing necessary protocols including mandatory masks in all Crocker buildings, touchless technology such as motion-activated building entry doors, antimicrobial elevator buttons and door handles that self-clean surfaces, improved ventilation, and an adaptive tenant experience.

Long-term aspects of the program unrelated to the pandemic focus on People and Property to deliver a holistic building program. Our initiatives for health and wellness consist of tenant programmings like Stay Fit campaigns, nutritional and weight loss programs, and on-site flu shots, blood drives, and other convenient health screenings.  While the vast majority of tenants continue to work remotely, they can take advantage of weekly online fitness classes and recreational/educational webinars offered by building management free of charge.

Our environmental health initiatives include energy conservation and increase usage of renewable energy sources, indoor air quality, water reclamation, and greywater irrigation, recycling and waste management programs, sustainable building features and material selections, eco-friendly janitorial products, electric car charging stations, and pursuit of building certifications such as LEED EB, Energy Star, Fitwel and WELL.

Prominence Tower also offers tenants a robust recycling program including single-stream office materials, batteries, light bulbs, and ballasts, and provides multiple opportunities throughout the year for electronics recycling inclusive of certified data destruction. By participating in Livable Buckhead’s Buckhead Recycles program, we can educate tenants on how to participate in the building’s recycling program and acceptable materials for single-stream recycling to minimize contamination. Buckhead Recycles works with our waste hauler and compiles tonnage and diversion rate reports in a clear and presentable format so we can engage tenants via our monthly newsletter and Captivate elevator screens. As tenants begin to return to the office, we hope to expand the tenant recycling program to include k-cups and composting.

Our commitment to recycling extends past the day-to-day office waste. Developed for LEED certification, Crocker Partners established purchasing and facility maintenance/renovation policies to ensure both ongoing material/supply purchases and renovation projects have guidelines for purchasing sustainable materials, disposing of waste generated from these activities, and managing indoor air quality.

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