Novelis, Our 4th Quarter Spotlight

 In Employer, Mobility

We are winding down to the end of the year and as we are excited about the Holidays, we are just as excited to announce our Quarter 4 Mobility Employer Spotlight! If you all remember, these quarterly spotlights are highlighted not only in the newsletters, but in a media press release and are also in the running for the Mobility Champion award presented by the Buckhead Business Association.

Livable Buckhead has chosen Novelis as the fourth quarter Mobility Spotlight. Novelis is a global company hosting its headquarters right here in Buckhead. It is the world’s leading recycler of aluminum and strives to create sustainable efforts right in their very own office. Novelis has approximately 500 employees with 16.7% of them taking a clean commute. This percentage is in part due to a very strong commuter benefits program: Novelis offers 100% subsidized transit passes when an employee gives up their parking spot, leading to 108 employees taking transit. Wow!

This innovative company publicizes vanpools and carpools and has employees who walk to work and telework multiple times a week. They also participated in our 2018 Try Transit promotion with 28 employees choosing to try taking the train for one month. A commuter benefits program like this has to have support from the top down. Michael Shelby, leader of Novelis’ Green Team, is a MARTA rider himself and says, “I have been utilizing Novelis’s MARTA program for 4 years and I don’t think I will ever go back. When I show up to work, I am relaxed and ready to get to work.”

Novelis continues to prove their commitment to sustainability, and we look forward to seeing how they grow in 2019! Congratulations!

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