The 2023 Buc Ridership Survey results are in!

 In buc shuttle

Livable Buckhead recently ran a Buc Ridership Survey to gather feedback on the service and to learn how riders use it. Thanks to our riders, we received over 400 responses in 30 days! Here’s what riders had to say:

When riders were asked the primary reason(s) they ride the Buc, nearly half of all respondents said that they take the Buc to get from MARTA to their destination. That means they are traveling into Buckhead by transit and hopping on the Buc to get to work, run errands, and explore! Nearly as many respondents use the Buc to get around Buckhead in general, and to get from home around Buckhead was a close third.

Buc riders also shared how they heard about the service. It turns out the Buc is the talk of the town, since a third of regular riders learned about the Buc through word of mouth. Many respondents also noted that they learned about the service after seeing the Buc shuttles on the street in their neighborhood and wondering what they were for. Looks like the Buc vans are already iconic!

Finally, participants were asked what changes or promotions they might want to see. Respondents were interested in both expanded service hours and weekend service as well as rides in more parts of Buckhead. Riders can’t get enough of the Buc!

Thanks to all of our property management and employer partners throughout Buckhead for helping us get the word out about the Buc!

Interested in learning more about the Buc? Visit or call +1 470-567-4337.


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