Monte Hewett at East Andrews

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Project Scope:  New construction townhomes

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Applicant:  Jessica Hill/Monte Hewett Homes


Variation Requested: The applicant presented preliminary plans for review by the committee in an effort to gauge general reaction as a part of the applicant’s due diligence prior to purchasing the property.  The applicant currently has the property under contract.  The SAP has not been formally filed at this time.

The property is in subarea 2 and East Andrews is a type 3 street.  The proposed site plan includes 27 town homes, 5 live work town homes fronting East Andrews and 7 single family homes.

Recommendations: The committee made note of several requirements that should be taken into consideration including:

  • Sec 16-18I.017(6) the height of the fence/wall/gate along E. Andrews cannot exceed 42 inches for the wall and fence on top combined.
  • Sec 16-18I.     Active use requirements fronting East Andrews and
  • Sec 16-18I.020(2)  Curb cuts.  The driveways from the single family homes open onto a private road which will have traffic from the bank drive through windows.  The potential for conflicts should be considered. The placement of the driveways with regard to proximity to East Andrews should be considered and the number of curb cuts allowed.
  • Sec 16-18I.011(2) Setbacks – the maximum setback on the western edge of the property is a maximum of 20 feet
  • Sec 16-18I.015 – East Andrews is a Type 3 Street requiring a 5 foot amenity zone, 10 foot sidewalk and 5 foot amenity zone
  • Sec 16-18I.007(6) Table of Uses – active sidewalk level use is not required for multifamily homes.
  • Sec 16-18I.020 (1) – Crosswalks need to be noted across internal driveways
  • Sec 16-18I.020 (4) – There were conflicting opinions regarding the inter parcel connecting road along the back side of the property.  Further information will be needed to provide the historic context which led to the requirement for this connection and how the proposed development differs in such a way that the original intent is no longer applicable.
  • The applicant will formally submit the SAP and return before the DRC once it has been filed.

Update #1 – 11.6.2013

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