34 Irby Avenue – Update #4

Project Scope:  Restaurant Renovation/Construction
Applicant:  Dewayne Martin


Variation Requested:  The applicant provided documentation to address the concerns raised in the prior month’s communication of recommendations to the City of Atlanta on July 2, 2013 including the following:

  1.  A revision of the parking plan to reflect a revision of total floor areas to 6600 instead of 6560. The plan indicates the use of 14 spaces at 3191 Paces Ferry Place, 12 spaces at 3215 Cains Hills, 40 spaces at 61 Irby (Henri’s) and 58 spaces at 77 West Paces Ferry (Whole Foods)
  2. A revised signed contract for the 40 spaces currently leased through Executive Parking Services at 61 Irby and 12 spaces at 3215 Cains Hill Place.
  3. The EPS contract has been modified to reflect 12 parking spaces rather than 18 spaces.
  4. The contract has been modified to match business hours to the use of the spaces. Sunday through Saturday 9:00pm to 7:00am.
  5. The contract has been modified to remove the previous Appendix A.
  •  The applicant indicated that the primary spaces being used to satisfy the parking requirements of 66 spaces are those on-site (18), those at 3191 Irby (14) and Whole Foods (58), but additional off site parking above and beyond the required parking is being used at 61 Irby and 3215 Irby.
  • The applicant indicated that all spaces were in the process of being striped and signed according to city requirements.
  • The applicant indicated that demolition of the outdoor deck was underway and that the applicant intended to use the area with portable bars.  The committee advised the applicant that an SAP would be required for this activity in addition to alcohol licensing requirements.

 Recommendation:  The committee finds all issues raised in the July 2 letter to be satisfied, however, did note one item that had been previously overlooked which is proper screening of the dumpster in accordance with Section 16-18I.109 and recommends this be satisfied.  Additionally, the applicant was reminded of the need to show a plan for valet operation and to make sure all parking spaces had the appropriate signage.

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